5492 - The 3rd Parkestone Scout Group

(Approx $7.34 or €6.87)
It was in August 1907 that Robert Baden Powell held an experimental camp for 20 boys on the Island, following which scout troops were soon being formed all over the country.
The 3rd Parkstone troop, which came into being in 1931, was effectively a scion of the 4th Poole troop which dated from 1917. This book tells the story of 3rd Parkstone from its origins as part of 4th Poole through to the final cub meeting before closure in 2006.
Throughout its existence the group leaders maintained detailed log books and photograph albums of the various activities, and these have formed the basis of this lavishly illustrated account.
It tells how the group continued to function during the dark days of the Second World War, and also shows that 3rd Parkstone kept up to date with changing lifestyles during the later years of the 20th century. We are sure that this book will bring back happy memories for anyone who has been involved with the cub or scout movement in days gone by - and especially for anyone who was fortunate enough to have belonged to 3rd Parkstone.