Book - Logomotive - Railroad Graphics and the American Dream

One man’s love affair with the commercial art of the streamline era has led to this book packed full of logos, liveries and classic railroad graphics.Logomotive is a visual tribute to the heyday of railroad graphics. Arriving in America in 1968, the London designer Ian Logan was blown away by the logos and slogans he saw on the sides of freight cars rumbling down Main Street.
Between designing fabrics for Mary Quant and Jeff Banks, he went back time after time with his camera, travelling across America, wandering into freight yards to record the Route of the Eagles, the Rebel Route, the Speedway to America’s Playground and many other mesmerizing advertising ideas of the day.
To this gallery of vintage Americana, the distinguished design commentator and author Jonathan Glancey brings a warm and perceptive analysis of its iconography. He shows how every aspect, from locomotives and rolling stock to advertisements and timetables, was designed to project an image of speed, efficiency and the American pioneer spirit.